Pathing in the D ecosystem is generally broken (at least on windows)

Joakim via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat Sep 26 04:18:04 PDT 2015

On Saturday, 26 September 2015 at 09:51:19 UTC, Manu wrote:
> Are we making a tool for professional programmers, or is this
> community an intellectual hobby that attracts language nerds? 
> We need
> to learn how to impress well on working professionals, in the 
> few
> moments that we get to do so; typically just a couple of 
> minutes.

Professional programmers pay for their tools, is anybody here 
paying?  D is not going to have the polish to attract them 
because it's a small OSS project, without the funding llvm/clang 
gets from Apple or all the consulting/hardware companies who chip 
in to gcc.

I'd advise to go the Facebook route and try to get D used for 
some dev tools here and there, especially on the server, like 
Warp.  Being easy for desktop devs is never going to happen 
without some company like Apple putting more polish on the tools 
and building an IDE around it, like they once did around gcc and 
now do around clang/llvm.  You're wasting your time if you think 
you're going to get that from an OSS project that has no 
associated business model, like llvm/clang/Xcode does.

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