A suggestion for modules names / sharing code between projects

Sebastien Alaiwan via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Feb 29 22:33:06 PST 2016

Hi Mike, thanks for taking the time to answer.
If I understand you correctly, you're advising me to keep my file 
hierarchy mostly in sync with my module hierarchy (except for one 
potential leading "src/" or "libs/" that I would add to the 
import search directories). That's fine with me.

However, what's the point of having module declarations 
directives in the language then?

If I understand correctly, the only way to make an interesting 
use of these directives makes separate compilation impossible.

I know dmd is lightning-fast and everything, and not having to 
manage build dependencies anymore is very attractive.

However, we still need separate compilation. Otherwise your 
turnaround time is going to resemble a tractor pulling 
competition as your project grows. Recompiling everything 
everytime you change one module is not an option ; Some of the 
source files I work on in my company require 30s to compile 
*alone* ; it's easy to reach, especially when the language has 
features like templates and CTFE (Pegged anyone?).

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