extern(C++, ns)

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Jan 3 07:02:14 PST 2016

On 2016-01-03 06:40, Walter Bright wrote:

> I do not understand what difficulty you are having with this.

I think what Manu is finding difficult is that "extern(C++, ns)" creates 
a symbol at the D side. Which is kind of unexpected as no other for of 
"extern" works like that. That also makes it impossible to use the same 
namespace in different file, which is very common in C++. I think that 
code like:

int x;
extern (C++, ns) { char x; }

Is less common than the using the same namespace in different files. 
It's also not very practical to create bindings for a complete library 
in a single module, if the library is big.

/Jacob Carlborg

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