Proposal: Database Engine for D

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sun Jan 3 23:55:53 PST 2016

On 2016-01-02 21:47, Chris Wright wrote:

> So you want to create the following query:
>    people.filter!(x => x.surname == "Slughorn");
> And you've got ten million people in the collection, and you want this
> query to finish soonish. So you need to use an index. But a full index
> scan isn't so great; you want to do an index lookup if possible.
> That's simple enough; we generate proxy types to record what properties
> you're using and what operations you're performing. PersonProxy records
> that you're accessing a field 'surname', gives a StringFieldProxy, and
> that records that you're checking for equality with the string "Slughorn".
> The lambda returns true when opEquals returns true.
> But people write queries that are more complex than that, like:
>    people.filter!(x => x.surname == "Slughorn" || x.age <= 17);
> First time you run this, x.surname.opEquals("Slughorn") returns true and
> the expression as a whole returns true. You missed the second part of the
> expression. That's bad.

If D had better operator overloading or supported AST macros, opEquals 
would not return true. It would return a new proxy that overloads the || 
operator. The rest of the post falls apart from this mistake.

/Jacob Carlborg

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