D is crap

Chris via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jul 4 02:37:41 PDT 2016

On Sunday, 3 July 2016 at 04:37:02 UTC, D is crap wrote:

I seriously don't know what to make of this post. It's a random 
compilation of complaints made about D over the last couple of 
years that lacks depth and useful information. As such, it could 
be mere trolling.

If the poster on the other hand is sincere, then I suppose s/he's 
a programming novice that is confused and put off by anything 
that doesn't have an IDE to hold his or her hand at every step - 
which is not uncommon. But to get going with D you just need 
`dmd` and a text editor, possibly `dub` for convenience. IMO, D 
doesn't need IDE's as much as other languages (Java needs an IDE 
because of tons of boiler plate, C++ because of C++).

Also, error messages are often the same, so after a while you 
know exactly what's wrong when a certain message appears. This is 
also true of Objective-C, C, Java etc. If compilation fails 
immediately, it's most likely a syntax error and you will see 
something like  `Error: found '{' when expecting ')'` somewhere. 
A bit of patience and common sense can get you a long way.

The reason why this post is not taken too seriously is not 
because people here are religious about D - a reproach that is 
often used to prevent any real discussion. No, it is because it 
sounds like an amazon review where someone ordered a book in a 
foreign language and gives it one star saying "I'm a beginner and 
the vocabulary used is too difficult, this book sucks!" Sorry, 
but that's how it came across to me.

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