[OT] Windows install

H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Jul 15 22:09:03 PDT 2016

On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 04:30:31AM +0000, Joakim via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Friday, 15 July 2016 at 05:10:29 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> > I'm excluding the pain of Windows reinstall, as it took 14 hours of
> > sitting there blankly "checking for updates". I wonder what it was
> > possibly doing that took 14 hours (the disk was fresh, there was
> > nothing to transmit to the NSA).
> If you're talking about Windows 7, speculation is that MS is doing
> that on purpose: they don't package a Service Pack 2 because they want
> to make it painful for you, so painful that you install or upgrade to
> Windows 10 instead, the latter still free for the next two weeks.

Argh... this is one of the most annoying things MS has done recently.  I
come home one day, and my wife is all frustrated that she can't finish
doing what she was doing because the PC was upgrading itself to Windows
10 and it was taking a LONG time. I had told her not to, and I thought
she had foolishly clicked Yes, but in fact she didn't. Apparently MS has
made it such that you don't even have a choice now. Whether you like it
or not the update just forces itself on you. I'm sure there's a way to
cancel it, but it involves going into obscure corners of the registry or
some well-hidden submenu of submenus, which my wife wouldn't have a clue
how to do.

Now I'm stuck with this horrendous new GUI that I hate even more than
Windows 7, every time I have to do something on my wife's laptop. Not to
mention the system requirements are ever skyrocketing, and now the PC is
THE SAME HARDWARE, as far as I can tell just for some flashy eye candy
that, in my eyes, look even worse and more dysfunctional than before.
Grrrr...  If it weren't for the convenient fact that my wife needs to
use certain websites that can only work under Windows (wow, I thought
this was web-standards-compliant 2016, not 1995 vendor lock-in hell, but
apparently I was wrong), I'd have installed Linux on the machine
instead.  Even though Linux sucks too, at least it doesn't force-install
newer, more broken versions of itself without you asking for it.


Tech-savvy: euphemism for nerdy.

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