I'd love to see DScript one day ...

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Jun 14 06:02:37 PDT 2016

On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 09:30:02 UTC, Chris wrote:
> Rather than pursuing JS endeavors, I was thinking of creating a 
> light weight scripting language on top of D, something better 
> than JS and not tied to the Web. Something people could use for 
> day to day scripting tasks (like Python or Lua). Maybe we can 
> build on the DMDScript engine, I don't know.

So, what I ideally want to do isn't actually a scripting 
language, but rather a really easy to use IPC and D build library.

The end user thinks it is a script, it works the same way, they 
write a little program and load it up, but the application 
actually compiles it as D into an independent exe and spins it up 
as a new process, communication over a pipe and/or shared memory 
or something. The user script can then crash independently! And 
they can use the whole D language. The whole interface of interop 
can be automatically generated.

Of course, the problem with the build thing is the program you 
write might need to be distributed with a D compiler.... though I 
don't think that's a dealbreaker, D compilers aren't that big and 
could be downloaded on demand by your program. (Well, dmd isn't, 
ldc/gdc is 10x bigger.)

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