Possible bug in std.path?

Hugo via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Jun 19 05:23:08 PDT 2016

On Friday, 20 May 2016 at 17:41:22 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> [...]
> Use GetCommandLine to fetch the original thing the user typed, 
> then process it yourself.
> [...]

Then why doesn't the following code produce the expected output?

import std.stdio, std.file, std.path;
version (Windows) {
   import core.sys.windows.windows, std.conv;
   pragma(lib, "shell32.lib");

enum EXIT_SUCCESS = 0;
enum EXIT_FAILURE = 1;

int main(string[] originalargs) {
   string[] args;
   version (Windows) {
     int wargc;
     auto wargs = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &wargc);
     if (wargs) {
       for(uint i; i < wargc; i++) args ~= 
     } else {
       writeln("Error getting command line arguments.");
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
   } else args = originalargs;
   foreach(uint i, string a; args) writefln("Argument %d: '%s'", 
i, a);
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Test from Windows:
mytestapp dir1 dir2 "..\my parent dir\"
(all valid arguments)

Argument 0: 'mytestapp'
Argument 1: 'dir1'
Argument 2: 'dir2'
Argument 3: '..\my parent dir"'

Notice: I had to use std.conv from master branch because 
otherwise text() wouldn't dereference wargs (of type wchar**).

PS. Please forgive me the delay.

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