Females in the community.

Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Mar 17 16:00:51 PDT 2016

On 3/17/2016 9:17 AM, Karabuta wrote:
>  Moreover, the socia Media representation of D sucks. I think we need a female,
> at least someone soft and mortal who actually understand how to communicate and
> build a community. Coders suck at these things and its not helping. This is not
> about gender balance crap, it about building a community.

As far as the D community goes, I don't care about anyone's gender, politics, 
age, race, disabilities, charisma, social skills, country, history, personal 
hygiene, religion, etc. I only care about ability, commitment, and contributions 
to D, i.e. a meritocracy, as close as we can get to one.

Many D community members are known only by their online handles, which they pick 
themselves. If they choose to have an anonymizing layer, it is their right to do 
so, and if anyone "unmasks" such contributors, I consider it an egregious 
affront to the community.

I do ask that people use real names for github commitments, and this is for 
legal reasons in case there is some problem with the rights to the code, but if 
they choose not to, they choose not to, and we will respect that.

We make no attempt to track online users of the D sites, either. (Though be 
aware that github does, we don't control github.)

As discussed in an earlier thread, I refuse to have a "Code of Conduct" for the 
forums or the D conferences.

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