So, About That Official Blog...

Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu May 5 11:22:50 PDT 2016

This keeps coming up, so in the theme of Andrei's talk and 
because my day job is a web dev, I decided to do something about 
it. I have created this tumblr blog which I hope to shape into 
the official dlang blog:

A couple of notes:

1. I choose tumblr because we really shouldn't reinvent the wheel 
here with something as simple as a blog. Tumblr has thousands of 
servers, solid funding, solid uptime, and a simple interface.
2. Tumblr supports markdown
3. Tumblr gives complete access to its templating engine, 
allowing you to make the site look like what ever you want
4. Tumblr allows for custom domains, so if everyone here likes 
this idea then I can have the domain of the blog be
5. Any core team members who ask for access to the blog via an 
email to me will get it automatically

Now, onto the content,

I added two of Walter's Dr. Dobbs articles as examples. I'm not 
sure about the legality of this, if someone asks me to remove 
them I will.

Obviously we should have release announcements on the blog, but I 
think that one of the best ways that the blog can get interesting 
content is reposting content from the community, with the 
author's permission of course and a link back to the original. I 
would be willing to put my two D posts on there if people agree 
with this idea. We could also call for reviews of interesting PRs 
or ask for PRs of interesting bugs.

Please let me know what you think! I believe this is a good first 
step in the right direction.

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