Template currying

Ed via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu May 5 14:54:29 PDT 2016

On Thursday, 5 May 2016 at 20:17:08 UTC, Yuxuan Shui wrote:
> So I was working on a parser combinator library, where the 
> combinators take parsers as template argument. It works well 
> until recently I decided to change the parsers so they would 
> take Ranges instead of just strings.
> The combinator used to look like:
>     template Comb(alias parser1, alias parser2)
> Now it looks like
>     template Comb(alias parser1, alias parser2, Range)
> And I want to have the compile deduce the Range template 
> arguments, so I don't need to change the code that uses them. 
> But I found out it's hard to partially instantiate templates.
> It's OK to do that at the call site, e.g. Comb!(a, b)(range) 
> works without specifying the Range. But sometimes I want to 
> alias the result parser so I can use it at multiple places, but
>     alias new_parser = Comb!(a, b);
> doesn't work.
> I need either to define Comb differently:
>     template Comb(alias p1, alias p2) {
>       template Comb(Range) {
> or not use alias:
>     template new_parser(alias p1, alias p2){
>       alias new_parser(Range) = Comb!(p1, p2, Range); 
> //Something like this, not tested
>     }
> I think it would be really nice if alias can be automatically 
> translated to the latter one. Or maybe we can have something 
> like
>     template Curry(alias tmpl, Args1...) {
>       alias Curry(Args2...) = tmpl!(Args1~Args2); //Pseudocode
>     }
> in the phobos.

It's hard to help without a minimal working example (maybe 
something with just the body).

If you mean that "alias new_parser = Comb!(a, b);" generates an 
error maybe that's because the correct syntax is "alias 
new_parser(Range) = Comb!(a, b);" ?

One issue you may encounter is that template parameter deduction 
(that's called IFTI I think) can fail with an alias (so partially 
specialized template/templatized function, etc).

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