The Case Against Autodecode

Chris via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri May 13 02:28:45 PDT 2016

On Friday, 13 May 2016 at 06:50:49 UTC, Bill Hicks wrote:
> Wow, that's eleven things wrong with just one tiny element of 
> D, with the potential to cause problems, whether fixed or not.  
> And I get called a troll and other names when I list half a 
> dozen things wrong with D, my posts get removed/censored, etc, 
> all because I try to inform people not to waste time with D 
> because it's a broken and failed language.
> *sigh*
> Phobos, a piece of useless rock orbiting a dead planet ... the 
> irony.

Is there any PL that doesn't have multiple issues? Look at Swift. 
They keep changing it, although it started out as _the_ big 
thing, because, you know, it's Apple. C#, Java, Go and of course 
the chronically ill C++. There is no such thing as the perfect 
PL, and as hardware is changing, PLs are outdated anyway and have 
to catch up. The question is not whether a language sucks or not, 
the question is which language sucks the least for the task at 

PS I wonder does Bill Hicks know you're using his name? But I 
guess he's lost interest in this planet and happily lives on Mars 

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