Examples Wanted: Usages of "body" as a Symbol Name

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Oct 5 11:41:02 PDT 2016

On 2016-10-05 19:14, Matthias Klumpp wrote:

> Agreed - I have exactly the same problem with "version", which is also
> really common for, well, to hold a version number of a component. Body
> is annoying too.
> But, can keywords actually sanely be removed from the language without
> breaking the world?

In Ruby most keywords are not reserved words. Example:

class Foo
   def class

When the compiler sees the second "class" it already knows that this is 
a method declaration because of the "def" keyword. Actually calling this 
method requires a receiver:

class Foo
   def class

   def bar
     class # this won't compile
     self.class # this will work since the compiler knows that is has to 
be a method call because of the dot

In Scala it's possible to wrap a keyword in backticks, this is necessary 
to be able to call a Java method that uses a name that is a keyword in 
Scala but not in Java:

// Java
class Foo
     void def () {}

// Scala
val a = new Foo()

/Jacob Carlborg

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