colour lib

Manu via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Sep 1 22:58:05 PDT 2016

On 2 September 2016 at 06:09, Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d at> wrote:
> Am Wed, 31 Aug 2016 15:58:28 +1000
> schrieb Manu via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d at>:
>> I have this implementation issue, which I'm having trouble applying
>> good judgement, I'd like to survey opinions...
>> So, RGB colours depend on this 'normalised integer' concept, that is:
>>   unsigned: luminance = val / IntType.max
>>   signed: luminance = max(val / IntType.max, -1.0)
>> So I introduce NormalizedInt(T), which does that.
>> The question is, what should happen when someone does:
>>   NormalisedInt!ubyte nub;
>>   NormalizedInt!byte nb;
>>   auto r = nub + nb;
>> What is typeof(r)?
>> There are 3 options that stand out, and I have no idea which one is correct.
>> 1. Compile error, mismatching NormalisedInt type arithmetic shouldn't
>> work; require explicit user intervention.
>> 2. 'Correct' result, ie, lossless; is(typeof(r) ==
>> NormalisedInt!short). Promote to type that doesn't lose precision,
>> type conversion loses efficiency, but results always correct.
>> 3. Do what normal int types do; is(typeof(r) == NormalisedInt!int) ie,
>> apply the normal integer arithmetic type promotion rules. Classic
>> pain-in-the-arse applies when implicitly promoted result is stored to
>> a lower-precision value. Probably also slow (even slower) than option
>> #2.
>> Are there other options?
>> I'm tempted by #1, but that will follow right through to the colour
>> implementation, which will lead to colour type cast's all over the
>> place.
> I'd suspect #1 to be the best option, too. However, I don't
> know when users will deal with these calculations.

Neither do I, it's just that NormalizedInt is a type, it's a
dependency, it exists, it needs an api, so it needs to be well defined
I guess.

I wonder, should NormalizedInt be a module beneath the color package,
or should it be a separate module in its own right?
I don't know of uses for that type outside packed colours, but it
could theoretically be used for anything...

> Surely adding sRGB(22,22,22) + sRGB(11,11,11) gives sRGB(28, 28, 28),
> with a higher precision while performing the addition and then
> rounding back.

Umm, no. I think operations should be within their own colourspace,
otherwise what's the point of selecting your working colourspace?
You need to be able to do operations in gamma space too. If you want
to do a linear operation, cast to a linear type before doing the

> Anything requiring multiple operations on an
> image should use a higher precision linear color space from
> the start.

Right, I think you would typically cast from the storage type to the
working type before doing some work. But there are so many cases, and
various levels of tradeoff between efficiency and correct-ness, the
lib can't make presumptions.
The way it is currently, the operations are done in the typed
colourspace. Simple as that. If you want to do linear operations, cast
to a linear type first.

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