@property Incorrectly Implemented?

John via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Sep 6 12:18:11 PDT 2016

Currently it seems that @property isn't implemented correctly. 
For some reason when you try to get the pointer of a property it 
returns a delegate for some reason. This just seems plain wrong, 
the whole purpose of a property is for a function to behave as if 
it weren't a function. There's also some inconsistencies in the 
behavior, "get" is implemented one way and then "set" is 
implemented another.


     &t.x         // returns "ref int delegate()"
     &t.x()       // ok returns "int*", but defeats purpose of 
     &(t.j = 10)  // shouldn't this return "ref int delegate(int)" 

It would be nice to get this behavior fixed, so that it doesn't 
become set in stone. I think returning a delegate pointer is not 
what people would except nor is there really any use case for it.

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