using -unittest leads to undefined errors when linking against non-unittest code

Timothee Cour thelastmammoth at
Sat Dec 9 00:18:51 UTC 2017

this is obviously a serious error and is a blocker for running unittests.

also filed:

managed to reduce it to a short example code with zero dependencies:

dmd -lib -oflibfun.a fun.d
dmd -main -unittest main.d libfun.a
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_D3fun__T1ATtZQf8opEqualsMxFNaNbNiNfSQBj__TQBiTtZQBoZb", referenced from:
      _D3fun__T1ATtZQf11__xopEqualsFKxSQBf__TQBeTtZQBkKxQsZb in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

module fun;
struct A(T){
    bool opEquals(A!T) const {
        auto a=typeid(A!T);
        return true;

    unittest {
        alias b = A!(ushort);
enum ignore = A!int();

module main;
import fun;

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