Is it possible to request a code review?

IM 3di at
Fri Dec 15 08:15:04 UTC 2017

I'm still looking for feedback about these points:

   - Any candidate class that can be better switched to a struct 
or even a template?
   - The use of shared and __gshared, did I get those right? I 
find the TLS concept unpleasant, because it makes me unsure 
what's the right thing to do. For example:
     - If a class that instances of which will be accessed by 
multiple threads, should it be marked `shared`. For instance 
     - What about the members of a class, do they ever need to be 
marked as shared?
     - Also, in this unittest :, I didn't mark `number` as shared, even though it is accessed by two threads, and I didn't see any unexpected behavior (because the task runners implicitly synchronize access to it using tasks and replies). But in the other unittest here:, I marked `number` as shared just because I believed I have to since it will be accessed by many threads arbitrarily.

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