memcpy() comparison: C, Rust, and D

Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Feb 2 12:50:58 PST 2017

On 2/2/2017 6:19 AM, Atila Neves wrote:
> Also, unless you're testing possible bugs in compiler backends or the C standard
> library, it mostly doesn't matter. Compile on regular x86/Linux and run
> valgrind/asan there.

I've often been able to flush out difficult bugs by compiling on another platform.

Back in the bad old DOS days, I quickly learned to develop the programs on a 
protected mode operating system, then port to 16 bit real mode DOS as the last 
step. :-)

> Have I run into weird bugs that only occurred on one platform? Yes. Were they
> _really_ rare? You betcha. *

Memory corruption bugs show themselves differently on different platforms, and 
one of them likely will make it easier to find the bug.

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