Isn't it about time for D3?

Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Jun 15 00:31:18 PDT 2017

On Wednesday, 14 June 2017 at 21:20:58 UTC, ketmar wrote:
> yeah. D should silently miscompile old code too: it seems that 
> this is exactly what people want!

Please point out the people who advocate for D silently 
miscompiling old code... Because i have yet to see anybody in 
this topic advocate this.

There is a difference between changes that:

- Fix bugs
- Fix security issues

And changes like

- Rewritten Library functions where those function calls end up 
working differently
- Removal of the Garbage collector ( and introducing ownership / 
lifetime and other rules )
- Changes that make tools not work anymore
- ...

It is this second part people worry about. If i need to fix code 
issues 5 years from now because the compiler got smarter, so be 
it. This will happen anyway with each progressive  bugfix / 
recompile. But there is a difference if massive rewrites are done 
on the language or libraries for that benefit only a few specific 
people there own usage.

So please keep this topic on track and not pull any straw man 
argumentation's. Its the internet and i know that some people 
like to win arguments with any means necessary but keep facts 
alive thank you very much.

I see nothing new being added to this topic anymore beyond more 
and more ridiculous claims.

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