Got compiler crash in Mangler::mangleFuncType

Uranuz via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat Mar 25 04:34:29 PDT 2017

On Saturday, 25 March 2017 at 08:24:04 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
> On Saturday, 25 March 2017 at 08:13:08 UTC, Uranuz wrote:
>> On Saturday, 25 March 2017 at 07:57:11 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
>>> [...]
>> I just put debug messages on every `assert` and figured out it 
>> fails on lines:
>>                     bool implicit0 = ( == Tvoid && 
>> isMain());
>>                     Type tret = implicit0 ? Type.tint32 : 
>>                     assert(tret.ty != Tvoid);
>>                     if (vresult || returnLabel)
>>                         buildResultVar(scout ? scout : sc2, 
>> tret);
>> I really don't understand what it is... Now I cannot share 
>> codebase easily. Seems that it fails on my programme `main` 
>> function or near that, because compiler stack not so deep. 
>> There is some check for isMain AFAIK... What is this about?
> are you creating a function called main ?
> that would be about the only time this would be triggered.

Seems that compiler thinks that `struct` constructor returns some 
value, but declared type of return value for struct ctor is 
Tvoid, so it fails on assert. Printing returns.toChars() after 
condition `if (returns)`  gives `[return this;`. Maybe `returns` 
should be null there or not? I'm very confident that it fails on 
constructor. Tried to reduce example manually (I'm not very 
confident about Dustmite). But it doesn't reproduce error:

import std.stdio;

struct DirValueAttr(bool isForCompiler = false)
	string name;
	string typeName;

	static if( isForCompiler )
		import ivy.node: IExpression;

		IExpression defaultValueExpr;
		this( string name, string typeName, IExpression defValue )
		{ = name;
			this.typeName = typeName;
			this.defaultValueExpr = defValue;
		this( string name, string typeName )
		{ = name;
			this.typeName = typeName;

	DirValueAttr!(false) toInterpreterValue() {
		return DirValueAttr!(false)(name, typeName);

// We pass callable attributes by blocks. Every attribute block 
has size an type
// Size and type stored in single integer argument in stack 
preceding the block
// Size is major binary part of this integer denoted by bit 
enum size_t _stackBlockHeaderSizeOffset = 4;
// To have some validity check bit between size and block type 
must always be zero
// The following mask is used to check for validity:
enum size_t _stackBlockHeaderCheckMask = 0b1000;
// And there is mask to extract type of block
enum size_t _stackBlockHeaderTypeMask = 0b111;

enum DirAttrKind { NamedAttr, ExprAttr, IdentAttr, KwdAttr, 
BodyAttr };

static this()
	static assert( DirAttrKind.max <= _stackBlockHeaderTypeMask, 
`DirAttrKind set of values exeeded of defined limit` );

struct DirAttrsBlock(bool isForCompiler = false)
	import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
	alias TValueAttr = DirValueAttr!(isForCompiler);

	static if( isForCompiler ) {
		import ivy.node: ICompoundStatement;
		alias TBodyTuple = Tuple!(ICompoundStatement, "ast", bool, 
	else {
		alias TBodyTuple = Tuple!(bool, "isNoscope");

	static struct Storage {
		union {
			TValueAttr[string] namedAttrs;
			TValueAttr[] exprAttrs;
			string[] names;
			string keyword;
			TBodyTuple bodyAttr;

	private DirAttrKind _kind;
	private Storage _storage;

	this( DirAttrKind attrKind, TValueAttr[string] attrs )
		assert( attrKind == DirAttrKind.NamedAttr, `Expected NamedAttr 
kind for attr block` );

		_kind = attrKind;
		_storage.namedAttrs = attrs;

	this( DirAttrKind attrKind, TValueAttr[] attrs )
		assert( attrKind == DirAttrKind.ExprAttr, `Expected ExprAttr 
kind for attr block` );

		_kind = attrKind;
		_storage.exprAttrs = attrs;

	this( DirAttrKind attrKind, string[] names )
		assert( attrKind == DirAttrKind.IdentAttr, `Expected IdentAttr 
kind for attr block` );

		_kind = attrKind;
		_storage.names = names;

	this( DirAttrKind attrKind, string kwd )
		assert( attrKind == DirAttrKind.KwdAttr, `Expected Keyword kind 
for attr block` );

		_kind = attrKind;
		_storage.keyword = kwd;

	this( DirAttrKind attrKind, TBodyTuple value )
		assert( attrKind == DirAttrKind.BodyAttr, `Expected BodyAttr 
kind for attr block` );

		_kind = attrKind;
		_storage.bodyAttr = value;

	this( DirAttrKind attrKind )
		_kind = attrKind;

	DirAttrKind kind() @property {
		return _kind;

	void kind(DirAttrKind value) @property {
		_kind = value;

	void namedAttrs( TValueAttr[string] attrs ) @property {
		_storage.namedAttrs = attrs;
		_kind = DirAttrKind.NamedAttr;

	TValueAttr[string] namedAttrs() @property {
		assert( _kind == DirAttrKind.NamedAttr, `Directive attrs block 
is not of NamedAttr kind` );
		return _storage.namedAttrs;

	void exprAttrs( TValueAttr[] attrs ) @property {
		_storage.exprAttrs = attrs;
		_kind = DirAttrKind.ExprAttr;

	TValueAttr[] exprAttrs() @property {
		assert( _kind == DirAttrKind.ExprAttr, `Directive attrs block 
is not of ExprAttr kind` );
		return _storage.exprAttrs;

	void names(string[] names) @property {
		_storage.names = names;
		_kind = DirAttrKind.IdentAttr;

	string[] names() @property {
		assert( _kind == DirAttrKind.IdentAttr, `Directive attrs block 
is not of IdentAttr kind` );
		return _storage.names;

	void keyword(string value) @property {
		_storage.keyword = value;
		_kind = DirAttrKind.KwdAttr;

	string keyword() @property {
		assert( _kind == DirAttrKind.KwdAttr, `Directive attrs block is 
not of KwdAttr kind` );
		return _storage.keyword;

	void bodyAttr(TBodyTuple value) @property {
		_storage.bodyAttr = value;
		_kind = DirAttrKind.BodyAttr;

	TBodyTuple bodyAttr() @property {
		assert( _kind == DirAttrKind.BodyAttr, `Directive attrs block 
is not of BodyAttr kind` );
		return _storage.bodyAttr;

	DirAttrsBlock!(false) toInterpreterBlock()
		import std.algorithm: map;
		import std.array: array;

		final switch( _kind )
			case DirAttrKind.NamedAttr: {
				DirValueAttr!(false)[string] attrs;
				foreach( key, ref currAttr; _storage.namedAttrs ) {
					attrs[key] = currAttr.toInterpreterValue();
				return DirAttrsBlock!(false)( _kind, attrs );
			case DirAttrKind.ExprAttr:
				return DirAttrsBlock!(false)( _kind,!( 
a => a.toInterpreterValue() ).array );
			case DirAttrKind.IdentAttr:
				return DirAttrsBlock!(false)( _kind, _storage.names );
			case DirAttrKind.KwdAttr:
				return DirAttrsBlock!(false)( _kind, _storage.keyword );
			case DirAttrKind.BodyAttr:
				return DirAttrsBlock!(false)( _kind, 
tuple!("isNoscope")(_storage.bodyAttr.isNoscope) );
		assert( false, `This should never happen` );

	string toString()
		import std.conv: to;
		final switch( _kind ) with( DirAttrKind )
			case NamedAttr:
			case ExprAttr:
			case IdentAttr:
			case KwdAttr:
			case BodyAttr:
				return `<` ~!string ~ ` attrs block>`;
void func() {
	DirAttrsBlock!(false)[] _attrBlocks = [
		DirAttrsBlock!false( DirAttrKind.NamedAttr, [
			"__result__": DirValueAttr!(false)( "__result__", "any" )
		DirAttrsBlock!false( DirAttrKind.BodyAttr )


void main()

In full project it fails on `this( DirAttrKind attrKind, 
TValueAttr[string] attrs )` ctor.

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