Built-in RAII in D

evilrat via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon May 29 04:58:56 PDT 2017

On Monday, 29 May 2017 at 11:06:20 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
> One fun tutorial would be to integrate with a tedious C++ 
> framework and let the GC take care of allocations in C++ code 
> where speed doesn't matter.
> Then write a C++ integration tutorial around it.
> That could be a selling point.

Can't sell to those who don't buy.
I can't say for all, but I have noticed that those who generally 
use C++ will tell that speed matters "everywhere" (oh right, they 
do use C++ "for a reason")

And there is another kind of people. Even if something happens to 
be faster than their 'favorite language/framework of choice' they 
start complaining on how unfair the competiton.

And don't forget anti-GC hype wave, it tries to convince how bad, 
slow, memory hungry, clunky and ugly (literaly all the galactic 
evil in one face!) your GC is and so it should be banished!

Not that I'm trying to convince not to do tutorials, but I'm 
skeptical on that matter. But I myself interested in seeing more 
such materials too.

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