TickDuration deprecation

Rumbu rumbu at rumbu.ro
Sun Nov 19 15:01:50 UTC 2017

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 22:46:20 UTC, Jon Degenhardt 

> I admittedly don't understand the argument that it should be 
> hard to user programs to convert time durations to alternate 
> standard units of measure. But even so, it would seem to make 
> sense for the documentation of std.datetime.stopwatch to 
> provide clear examples of printing a duration in different 
> standard time units. In documentation's current form, it takes 
> quite a bit of digging to figure out how to do this. I'd 
> recommend at least making it clear in the documentation how to 
> do this. Yes, this would also make it easier for users to 
> convert to float, but printing in standard units of measure is 
> a rather basic operation.


I had the same problem with some benchmark intensive project. It 
took me some time to resolve the deprecations, but I lost more 
time diging for a way to display times in a human readable form. 
Internal representations of durations are useless if you cannot 
display them in a standard unit of measure.

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