TickDuration deprecation

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Mon Nov 20 11:24:59 UTC 2017

On 19.11.2017 20:29, Jon Degenhardt wrote:
> ...
> Some recommendations:
> a) Put a link to the Duration documentation in StopWatch page.
> b) Put examples in the StopWatch and Duration sections that explicitly 
> show how to convert to usecs, milliseconds, and perhaps seconds in 
> floating point formats. Show this in the context of printing them.
> c) Try to clean up some of the language describing the backward 
> compatibility vs the newer stuff. It's a bit intertwined. The language 
> doesn't have to explain the depreciation or justify it, at least not 
> mixed with the description of the new facilities.
> d) Be more explicit in the documentation about tradeoffs of integer 
> precision used in Duration and floating point accuracy. That Duration 
> supports this high accuracy without loss of precision in the face of 
> mathematical operations is a real value, one worth calling out. However, 
> it's also the case that this high mathematical precision is not required 
> for many timing use cases, especially in the printing, but even 
> calculations.
> Making this distinction puts the stopwatch facilities more in the 
> position of being an enabler of good end-user choices and less trying to 
> prevent end-user mistakes. The reality is, that the accuracy needs are 
> only known in the context of the timing measurements being done. The 
> library code does not have enough information to know. However, 
> providing the user with the information to make good choices about 
> accuracy representation is a real benefit.

This is exactly how I think about this. I'd additionally recommend to 
keep supporting something like "to". It's nicer to read than something 
like total!"hnsecs"/1e7.

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