Thoughts about D

IM 3di at
Mon Nov 27 00:14:40 UTC 2017

I'm a full-time C++ software engineer in Silicon Valley. I've 
been learning D and using it in a couple of personal side 
projects for a few months now.

First of all, I must start by saying that I like D, and wish to 
use it everyday. I'm even considering to donate to the D 
foundation. However, some of D features and design decisions 
frustrates me a lot, and sometimes urges me to look for an 
alternative. I'm here not to criticize, but to channel my 
frustrations to whom it may concern. I want D to become better 
and more widely used. I'm sure many others might share with me 
some of the following points:
- D is unnecessarily a huge language. I remember in DConf 2014, 
Scott Meyers gave a talk about the last thing D needs, which is a 
guy like him writing a lot of books covering the many subtleties 
of the language. However, it seems that the D community went 
ahead and created exactly this language!
- ‎D is very verbose. It requires a lot of typing. Look at how 
long 'immutable' is. Very often that I find myself tagging my 
methods with something like 'final override nothrow @safe @nogc 
...' etc.
- ‎It's quite clear that D was influenced a lot by Java at some 
point, which led to borrowing (copying?) a lot of Java features 
that may not appeal to everyone.
- ‎The amount of trickeries required to avoid the GC and do 
manual memory management are not pleasant and counter productive. 
I feel they defeat any productivity gains the language was 
supposed to offer.
- ‎The thread local storage, shared, and __gshared business is 
annoying and doesn't seem to be well documented, even though it 
is unnatural to think about (at least coming from other 
- ‎D claims to be a language for productivity, but it slows down 
anyone thinking about efficiency, performance, and careful design 
decisions. (choosing structs vs classes, structs don't support 
hierarchy, use alias this, structs don't allow default 
constructors {inconsistent - very annoying}, avoiding the GC, 
look up that type to see if it's a struct or a class to decide 
how you may use it ... etc. etc.).

I could add more, but I'm tired of typing. I hope that one day I 
will overcome my frustrations as well as D becomes a better 
language that enables me to do what I want easily without 
standing in my way.

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