Should we add `a * b` for vectors?

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at
Thu Oct 5 19:01:35 UTC 2017

On 05.10.2017 12:07, nkm1 wrote:
> Am I missing something? You can already extend the original struct:
> extern(c) struct Crng
> {   int seedA;
>      int seedB;
>      ubyte[] restOfTheData;
>      extern (D) {
>          // or without extern (D)...
>          auto front() { return current(&this); }
>          void popFront() { toNextValue(&this); }
>      }
> }
> What does it matter if you put your extension functions inside the 
> struct or outside of it? (same question to Timon)

For example:

- Methods force the 'this' argument to be references (for structs) or 
values (for classes).

- Adding functionality to a type in the module where it is defined is 
not the only use case. Wrapper types can be more cumbersome to use than 
the original type.

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