Should we add `a * b` for vectors?

Guillaume Boucher guillaume.boucher.d at
Fri Oct 6 10:56:06 UTC 2017

On Thursday, 5 October 2017 at 22:04:10 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> It's far cleaner for them to be tied to the type - especially 
> when you consider that it's not possible to differentiate 
> between conflicting overloadeded operators.

In other words, we lose global uniqueness of operators if we were 
to allow free functions to implement operators.

Knowing which function is called when we see its name is very 
important for reading code.  That's why we have those anti 
hijacking rules: they disallow cases where the compiler knows 
that the call can be misleading (or can silently break existing 
code).  Another, more tricky case is when there are two functions 
with the same name in the project you are working on, but only 
one of them is being imported.  If you read the code, you are 
unsure which one is called.  The anti-hijacking rules won't work 
in that case.
Fortunately, a good naming scheme avoids those problems so they 
are not a big problem in practice.

Those problems will pop up, however, if we allow them for 
operators.  Without further regulations, different 
implementations for operators are almost guaranteed, which will 
lead to uncertainty and distrust in code using operators.

Besides, I don't how it should work without changes to lookup 
rules.  How should sum() be able to use a +-operator defined in 
an imported module?  Not even ADL is helping here.

In my opinion, operators should only be defined in the module 
defining the type.

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