D on quora ...

SrMordred patric.dexheimer at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 21:07:01 UTC 2017

I think the GC discussion think will never go away because of the 
amount of c++ coders that come here.

If you want to flee from C++ you have two realistic options: Rust 
and D.

When you are looking at D and comparing metaprogramming, traits, 
ranges, UFCS, etc, its amazing: 'SO MUCH better than C++, i'ĺl 
leave right now!'

BUT then there is GC. And its not only about performance. You are 
programming at 5 10, 15 years with manual memory management, you 
lived the your entire live under the law of "you will not pay for 
what you don't use". Then you have to accept that you have a GC 
doing things under the hood. Even if you understand whats going 
on (and thanks the GC series for that :)), its a difficult 
paradigm shift.

I never had problems with GC, and im fine programming with it, 
but there is a c++ ghost in my ear every time speaking about 
manual management ;P

But im so used to D now that everytime I look back at c++ it give 
me chills. and BetterC and noGC libs are coming, so I think there 
is a ever brighter future ahead :)

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