Current limitations of -dip1000

Per Nordlöw per.nordlow at
Mon Oct 9 15:04:45 UTC 2017

I'm trying to figure out how to make my manually written 
containers have scope-aware element(s)-accessing functions. I've 
come up with 5 different situations as follows

@safe pure nothrow @nogc:

struct S(T)
     static private struct Range
         S!T* _parent;

     scope inout(Range) range() inout return
         return typeof(return)(&this);

     scope inout(T)[] opSlice() inout return
         return x[];

     scope inout(T)[] slice() inout return
         return x[];

     scope ref inout(T) front() inout return
         return x[0];

     scope inout(T)* pointer() inout return
         return &x[0];

     T[128] x;

/// this correctly fails
int[] testOpSlice()
     S!int s;
     return s[];                 // errors with -dip1000

/// this correctly fails
int[] testSlice()
     S!int s;
     return s.slice;             // errors with -dip1000

/// this correctly fails
auto testRange()
     S!int s;
     return s.range;             // errors with -dip1000

/// TODO this should fail
ref int testFront()
     S!int s;
     return s.front;             // should error with -dip1000

/// TODO this should fail
int* testPointer()
     S!int s;
     return s.pointer;           // should error with -dip1000

Compiling this with dmd version 2.076.0-b1 along with -dip25 and 
-dip1000 flags gives three errors:

test_scope.d(42,13): Error: returning `s.opSlice()` escapes a 
reference to local variable `s`
test_scope.d(49,12): Error: returning `s.slice()` escapes a 
reference to local variable `s`
test_scope.d(56,12): Error: returning `s.range()` escapes a 
reference to local variable `s`

It's very nice that the scope-analysis figures out that even the 
`range` member function contains an escaping pointer to the 
owning struct.

However, the other two `testFront` and `testPointer` don't error. 
Why are these two simpler cases allowed to escape a scoped 
reference and pointer which both outlive the lifetime of the 
owning struct `S`?

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