Phobos' Windows Makefile

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Thu Oct 12 07:17:15 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-11 21:57, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:
> Hello,
> I've hit the following problem on this PR [0]:
> The Windows 32bit build fails with the error: "more than 32767 symbols 
> in object file" [1].
> After taking a look in `win32.mak`, I've seen that we are bundling 
> multiple source files into a single object (which is the issue here), 
> instead of compiling each source file into it's corresponding object and 
> then linking the objects together.
> Is there a reason behind doing so, or should we rewrite the Windows 
> makefiles?

It's faster to compile when passing multiple files to the compiler at 
once. It doesn't have to run the compiler on the same files over and 
over again.

/Jacob Carlborg

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