Simple web server benchmark - vibe.d is slower than node.js and Go?

Sönke Ludwig sludwig+d at
Fri Sep 22 09:48:47 UTC 2017

Am 21.09.2017 um 20:49 schrieb bitwise:
> Doesn't vibe-d use Fibers?
> I tried to build a simple web server with a fiber-based approach once - 
> it was horribly slow.
> I hope C# (and soon C++) style stackless resumable functions will 
> eventually come to D.

It uses them and the overhead actually diminishes once the application 
does anything meaningful. To test this, I created two low-level tests 
for eventcore that mimic a minimal HTTP server. AFAIR, I got around 
300kreq/s on a single core without fibers and around 290kreq/s with 
fibers, which amounts to an overhead of about 0.1µs per request.

Stackless fibers would be really nice to have because of the merged 
stacks and the lower amount of reserved memory required (even though 
this is not a really big issue on 64-bit systems), but for pure 
performance I don't think they would be a critical addition.

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