What are AST Macros?

David Bennett davidbennett at bravevision.com
Sat Apr 14 02:45:38 UTC 2018

On Friday, 13 April 2018 at 11:54:12 UTC, David Bennett wrote:
> Also the other idea I had was to have mixin functions that only 
> take compiletime args (they are UFCS-able though, unlike 
> templates) and mixin themselves when called like:
> ---
> mixin add1Xtimes(alias int a, alias int t){
>     uint i=t;
>     do{a++;}while(--i);
>     return a;
> }
> @safe unittest{
>     uint n=0;
>     n.add1Xtimes!(4).add1Xtimes!(6);
>     assert(n==10);
> }
> ---
> [snip]
> I haven't really given much thought to the implementation of 
> this though.

With more thought thats probably not a good solution as its 
different from the rest of the language and would be harder then 
it needs to be in order to integrate with the front-end.

What could work though is having a new AutoMixinDecloration that 
was inited with an expression. This expression would contain a 
call chain to regular functions, templates, other 
AutoMixinDecloration etc. Then when it's called it dups the 
contents of these functions into the callers scope.

auto ref incXTimesAndCount(string cident, alias uint csym, uint 
times)(auto ref uint a=0){
     uint t = times;
     return a;

auto mixin incXAndXTimesAndCount(string cident, alias uint csym, 
uint t1, uint t2)
                 = incXTimesAndCount!(cident, csym, 
t1).incXTimesAndCount!(cident, csym, t2);

@safe unittest{
     uint n=10;
     uint c1=0;
     uint c2=0;
     uint r = n.incXAndXTimesAndCount!("c1", c2, 4, 6);

And it lowers to this in the front end:

@safe unittest{
     uint n=10;
     uint c1=0;
     uint c2=0;
     uint __m0_t=4;
     do{n++; c1++; c2++;}while(--__m0_t);
     uint __m1_t=6;
     do{n++; c1++; c2++;}while(--__m1_t);
     uint r = n;

Or it might be even possible to make the current 
TemplateMixinDeclaration to act like this if you add the auto 
keyword to the declaration with a symbol with the same name in 
the scope and the above was just sugar to this:

auto mixin template incXAndXTimesAndCount(string cident, alias 
uint csym, uint t1, uint t2)
     alias incXAndXTimesAndCount
             = incXTimesAndCount!(cident, csym, 
t1).incXTimesAndCount!(cident, csym, t2);

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