Embrace the from template?

Jonathan Marler johnnymarler at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 01:03:37 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 25 August 2018 at 00:40:54 UTC, tide wrote:
> On Friday, 24 August 2018 at 06:41:35 UTC, Jonathan Marler 
> wrote:
>> Ever since I read 
>> https://dlang.org/blog/2017/02/13/a-new-import-idiom/ I've 
>> very much enjoyed using the new `from` template.  It unlocks 
>> new idioms in D and have been so useful that I thought it 
>> might be a good addition to the core language.  I've found 
>> that having it in a different place in each project and always 
>> having to remember to import it makes it much less ubiquitous 
>> for me.
>> One idea is we could add this template to `object.d`.  This 
>> would allow it to be used from any module that uses druntime 
>> without having to import it first.  The template itself is 
>> also very friendly to "bloat" because it only has a single 
>> input parameter which is just a string, extremely easy to 
>> memoize.  Also, unless it is instantiated, adding it to 
>> object.d will have virtually no overhead (just a few AST nodes 
>> which would dwarfed by what's already in object.d).  It would 
>> also be very easy to add, a single PR with 4 lines of code to 
>> druntime and we're done.
>> Of course, if we don't want to encourage use of the `from` 
>> template then this is not what we'd want.  Does anyone have 
>> any data/experience with from?  All I know is my own usage so 
>> feel free to chime in with yours.
> What uses does this actually have, I only see one example from 
> the article and it is an oversimplistic example that 
> effectively translates to either phobos being used or not being 
> used. All the extra bloat this template would add to the 
> already bloated if constraints is not welcome at all. The 
> potential small benefit this might add isn't worth the 
> unreadable mess it will turn code into.

I can't help but laugh when you say "all the extra bloat this 
template would add..." :)  Sorry, I don't mean to insult but that 
really gave me a laugh.

I hate to be blunt, but its clear from your response that you 
failed to grok the original post, which makes anything else I say 
pointless.  So I'm going to slowly back away from this 

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