The state of string interpolation

o o at o.o
Fri Dec 7 19:52:41 UTC 2018

On Friday, 7 December 2018 at 17:11:35 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> Every language change is a cost, and therefore should justify 
> its inclusion. I personally don't think that it is in this case 
> just to make a niche use case slightly easier, and this coming 
> from someone from that niche!

Think about `foreach`, `foreach_reverse`, UFCS, WYSIWYG strings, 
and `switch`. These are all just so-called "niche cases". When 
you strip out all of the syntax "niches" from a language, you are 
more or less left with assembly. Hell, assembly itself is just 
sugar over pure machine code! So with this attitude, why not 
ditch D and program in machine language?

It's the same case for string interpolation. It *is* possible to 
live without it, but it is just damn nice when you have it.


As a side note, Many people have brought up some very good 
points, but the conversation looks like it is now starting to 
stall. I think we should create a DIP template at this point, 
just to have a place to throw out ideas, not committing to 
anything yet. Then, if we decide to actually go through with the 
DIP, we already have all the brainstorming done and in one place. 
Would someone else (more experienced) like to start the DIP, or 
should I?

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