Semantics of mixed CT and RT statements

Timoses timosesu at
Sat Dec 22 03:35:56 UTC 2018

I've just had the idea of mixing both `static` and "RT" 

     void foo (T)(bool b)
         static if (is(T == SomeType)) || if (b)
             // Called when T is of type SomeType
             // otherwise, use `if (b)` for runtime to decide
             // fate of this block's execution
             assert(is(T == SomeType) || b);
         else static if (is(T == SomeOtherType)) && if (b)
             // Called when T is of type SomeOtherType
             // AND when b is true
             assert(is(T == SomeOtherType) && b);

     foo!SomeType(false); // prints 1
     foo!SomeOtherType(false); // prints nothing
     foo!SomeOtherType(true); // prints 2

static if (A) || if (B): Only ever check B at run-time when A is 
false at compile-time

static (A) && if (B): Check B at run-time if and only if A holds 
true at compile-time.

And here both variants (as had to be implemented currently versus 
the shorter "mixed" variant)

     // Current
     static if (is(T == SomeType))
         // do A
     if (b)
         // do A
     static if (is(T == SomeOtherType))
         if (b)
             // do B

     // vs "Mixed"
     static if (is(T == SomeType)) || if (b)
         // do A
     static if (is(T == SomeOtherType)) && if (b)
         // do B

I don't have a specific use case at hand. I believe it could help 
reduce code duplication in some situations; apparently more so 
for the `||` variant, as the `&&` variant can be rewritten as:

     static if (Cond1) if (Cond2)

and works already.

What do you think?

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