A few Phobos projects: @safe, dip1000, public examples, properly documented functions, ...

Seb seb at wilzba.ch
Mon Jan 29 17:51:40 UTC 2018

There are quite a few things in Phobos which can be improved 
without much in-depth knowledge.
As these things get often forgotten and lost in the abyss, I 
started a few GitHub projects:

- dip1000
- All high-level code should be usable in @safe
- Every Phobos symbol should be properly documented
- Undocumented symbols shouldn't be public
- Every assert should have a message
- Every public symbol should have an example

And primed them with the current blacklists:


Note that for all theses checks we have compiler checks or other 
blacklists to avoid regressions, so gradual improvement is easily 

What the heck are GitHub projects?

Kanban-style board that allow to track the progress of a specific 
They were successfully used at dmd:


It would work a bit better if we used GH issues as they are a 
couple of handy automations built-in, but well that's an entirely 

Why are you posting this here?

Simple: if someone is looking out for a way to help, these 
projects should provide a simple start.
Also there's quite some interest in the first two (DIP1000, more 
@safe-ty), so tracking the progress at a central place should 
give them a better visibility and allows everyone to see the 
progress or pitch in.

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