VisualD / fatal error C1905: Front-End and Back-End are not compatible (have to use the same processor)

Robert M. Münch robert.muench at
Sun Jul 1 07:10:07 UTC 2018

I try a cross-post from an older post here as I didn't recveive any 
answer in D.learn and I don't have any clue how to solve this:


A project I can compile via the command line and dub, gives an error in 
VisualD. I created the VisualD configuration through dub:

fatal error C1905: Front-End und Back-End sind nicht kompatibel 
(müssen den gleichenProzessor verwenden).

This translates to: "Front-End and Back-End are not compatible (have to 
use the same processor)"

Well, I don't have a clue what this should mena, nor how this could 
happen. It sounds a bit like if the compiler & linker are not useing 
the same architecture (I want to use x64) but I didn't find any options 
to check/change this.

Any ideas?

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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