DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Community Review Round 1

Jonathan M Davis newsgroup.d at jmdavisprog.com
Fri Jul 20 18:05:20 UTC 2018

On Friday, July 20, 2018 17:25:25 Daniel N via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Friday, 20 July 2018 at 17:02:04 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > On Friday, July 20, 2018 16:42:54 aliak via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> >> On Friday, 20 July 2018 at 13:21:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> >>
> >> But as for a UDA, maybe @implicit from the copy constructor
> >> DIP can be reused here?
> >>
> >> void f(@implicit ref A a) {}
> >
> > I don't know. Maybe. I'd certainly prefer @rvalue, since it
> > would be clearer (and slightly shorter for that matter), and I
> > don't really agree with copy constructors requiring @implicit
> > anyway. But at the moment, I don't see a technical reason why
> > the attribute couldn't be reused.
> I find the DIP addresses this in a cleaner way with opt-out.
> 1) Avoids adding more UDA:s
> 2) It's probably more common to wish to use this feature than the
> opposite, i.e. by taking the opt-out route we can significantly
> reduce @uda clutter.
> See DIP:
> > void lval_only(int x) @disable;
> > void lval_only(ref int x);
> >
> > int x = 10;
> > lval_only(x);  // ok: choose by-ref
> > lval_only(10); // error: literal matches by-val, which is
> > @disabled

It changes the semantics of existing code, and honestly, it seems ridiculous
to me to have to declare a separate function to make ref work the way that
it's always worked.

And while I'm sure that if this is implemented, some folks will rush out and
start slapping ref all over the place (or @rvalue ref if it were actually
done with a new attribute like it should be IMHO), the reality of the matter
is that whether creating a temporary to pass rvalues by ref or simply having
the function accept everything by value is better is not straightforward. In
many cases, passing by value is more efficient - especially when lots of
rvalues are involved and relatively few lvalues. Even C++ has changed its
tune on this as far as best practices go. With C++98, it was considered best
practice to use const& all over the place, whereas once they added move
constructors, the situation became much more complicated, and as I
understand it, it's now often considered best practice to pass by value
unless you find that you need to do otherwise, because using const& tends to
prevent moves and often results in extra copies being made. So, while being
able to pass rvalues by ref may be useful in many cases, using @rvalue ref
all over the place is unlikely to be a good idea in general. So, I don't
think that it's at all safe to say that allowing ref accept rvalues by ref
is going to reduce the amount of UDA clutter in the average D program -
especially when @rvalue would mean just adding an attribute, whereas what
the DIP proposes involves having to declare an extra overload just to
disable it.

Either way, what this DIP proposes means that existing uses of ref will need
to be changed - and in an extremely verbose way - in order to get back their
current behavior.

- Jonathan M Davis

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