Generated opAssign in the presence of a copy constructor

RazvanN razvan.nitu1305 at
Thu Jul 26 09:40:03 UTC 2018

Hello everyone!

As you probably know, I am working on the copy constructor DIP 
and implementation. So far, I managed to implement 95% of the 
copy constructor logic (as stated in the DIP). The point that is 
a bit of a headache is how/when should opAssign be generated when 
a copy constructor is defined. Now here is what I have (big 
thanks to Andrei for all the ideas, suggestions and brainstorms):

-> mutability of struct fields:

If the struct contains any const/immutable fields, it is 
impossible to use the copy constructor for opAssign, because the 
copy constructor might initialize them. Even if the copy 
constructor doesn't touch the const/immutable fields the compiler 
has to analyze the function body to know that, which is 
problematic in situations when the body is missing. => opAssign 
will be generated when the struct contains only assignable 
(mutable) fields.

-> qualifiers:

The copy constructor signature is : `@implicit this(ref $q1 S 
rhs) $q2`, where q1 and q2 represent the qualifiers that can be 
applied to the function and the parameter (const, immutable, 
shared, etc.). The problem that arises is: depending on the 
values of $q1 and $q2 what should the signature of opAssign be?

A solution might be to generate for every copy constructor 
present its counterpart opAssign: `void opAssign(ref $q1 S rhs) 
$q2`. However, when is a const/immutable opAssign needed? There 
might be obscure cases when that is useful, but those are niche 
situations where the user must step it and clarify what the 
desired outcome is and define its own opAssign. For the sake of 
simplicity, opAssign will be generated solely for copy 
constructors that have a missing $q2 = ``.

-> semantics in the presence of a destructor:

If the struct that has a copy constructor does not define a 
destructor, it is easy to create the body of the above-mentioned 
opAssign: the copy constructor is called and that's that:

void opAssign(ref $q1 S rhs)    // version 1
     S tmp = rhs;        // copy constructor is called
     memcpy(this, tmp);  // blit it into this

Things get interesting when a destructor is defined, because now 
we also have to call it on the destination:

void opAssign(ref $q1 S rhs)   // version 2
    this.__dtor;           // ensure the dtor is called
    memcpy(this, S.init)   // bring the object in the initial state
    this.copyCtor(rhs);    // call constructor on object in .init 

The problem with the above solution is that it does not take into 
account the fact
that the copyCtor may throw and if it does, then the object will 
be in a partially initialized state. In order to overcome this, 
two temporaries are used:

void opAssign(ref $q1 S rhs)    // version 3
     S tmp1 = rhs;                // call copy constructor
     void[S.sizeof] tmp2 = void;

     // swapbits(tmp1, this);
     memcpy(tmp2, this);
     memcpy(this, tmp1);
     memcpy(tmp1, tmp2);


In this version, if the copy constructor throws the object will 
still be in a valid state.

-> attribute inference for the generated opAssign:

For version 1: opAssign attributes are inferred based on the copy 
constructor attrbiutes.
For version 2: opAssign attributes are inferred based on copy 
constructor and destructor attributes
For version 3: the declaration of the void array can be put 
inside a trusted block and then attributes are inferred based on 
copy constructor and destructor attributes

If the copy constructor is marked `nothrow` and the struct 
defines a destructor, then version 2 is used, otherwise version 3.

What are your thoughts on this?


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