D code obfuscator

Shachar Shemesh shachar at weka.io
Thu Jun 14 08:54:16 UTC 2018

On 14/06/18 08:21, DigitalDesigns wrote:
> On Thursday, 14 June 2018 at 02:13:58 UTC, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
>> With that said, what you're trying to achieve is probably not a good 
>> idea anyways. With very few exceptions(1), reverse-engineering code to 
>> figure out what it does is not considerably more difficult than using 
>> the source, even when none of the identifiers leak at all. Certain 
>> aspects of creating attacks are even easier with good rev-eng tools 
>> than in source form.
>> Shachar
> Just one question! Are you kidding me?

First of all, run your program under strace. For a surprising percentage 
of the programs that should give you a fairly good idea of what the 
program is doing. ltrace goes further, but it can be easily defeated by 
statically linking, so probably irrelevant for our current discussion.

Next, try loading your program in Ida Pro 
(https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/index.shtml). You will notice 
that program flow practically jumps out at you with no further work on 
your part.

Other tricks require a little more knowledge, but are still exceedingly 

In a demonstration I saw in 2002, Halvar Flake showed how he uses Ida to 
graph the branches, and then use a tool he built to place breakpoints on 
the branch points. Next he started feeding inputs to the program, and 
colored the graph where the input sent the code. He used that to find 
the correct input that would bring the code path to the line he thought 
might be vulnerable.

If I had to do this trick today for *my own* programs, I'd still use Ida 
and the compiled code.

So, no, I was not kidding. Not even close.


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