tupleof vs @safe

ag0aep6g anonymous at example.com
Fri Mar 2 23:22:36 UTC 2018

As far as I understand, this is generally how ref counting is supposed 
to be done, and with a simple payload like `int` it's supposed to be 
properly safe already:

module my_rc_thingy;
struct RCint
     import core.stdc.stdlib: free, malloc;

     private static struct Store
         int payload;
         uint count;
     private Store* s = null;

     int value() @safe { return s.payload; }

     this(int value) @trusted
         s = cast(Store*) malloc(Store.sizeof);
         *s = Store(value, 1);

     this(this) @safe { ++s.count; }

     ~this() @trusted
         if (--s.count == 0)
             s = null;

(There could be more checks for null, but dereferencing null crashes the 
program in an `@safe` manner anyway, so why bother in an example.)

I don't have to worry about DIP 1000, because I don't give out 
references to the payload or to the reference count. Right?

But what about `tupleof`? It ignores `private` and it's allowed in 
`@safe` code:

void main() @safe
     import my_rc_thingy: RCint;
     import std.stdio;

     int* p;
         auto rc = RCint(42);
         p = &rc.tupleof[0].payload; /* uh-oh */
     writeln(*p); /* garbage */

     auto rc = RCint(42);
         auto rc2 = rc; /* increasing the refcount */
         rc2.tupleof[0].count = 1; /* uh-oh */
     writeln(rc.value); /* garbage */

So am I missing something or should `tupleof` not be allowed to ignore 
`private` in `@safe` code?

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