Opt-in non-null class references?

SimonN eiderdaus at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 13:26:21 UTC 2018

On Sunday, 4 March 2018 at 12:03:32 UTC, aliak wrote:
> Maybe this part can be fixed with:
> struct NonNull(T) if (isPointer!T || is(T == class))
> {
>     @disable opAssign(V)(V v) {} // no no no
>     void opAssign(V)(NonNull!V other) { // only this allowed.

Interesting approach -- I'll keep it on the backburner for 
testing. Converting a class-heavy codebase to this would be 
daunting, but I don't want to rule it out yet.

>> Wrapping class references in structs is costly, we lose a lot
> Can you provide an example case here?

Automatic subtype detection will fail, and, thus, e.g., covariant 
return types.

To make it clearer that this isn't a bug in Optional, but rather 
an artifact of D's subtype detection, I will give examples with 
std.typecons.Rebindable instead of with Optional. For a class A, 
Rebindable!(const(A)) is designed as a reference to const(A) that 
can be rebound to point to a different const(A). I believe 
Rebindable!A aliases itself away and thus Rebindable!A will not 
be discussed, only Rebindable!(const(A)).

     import std.typecons;
     class Base { }
     class Derived : Base { }
     static assert(is(const(Derived) : const(Base))); // OK
     static assert(is(Rebindable!(const(Derived)) : 
Rebindable!(const(Base)))); // fails

Covariant return types will also fail. The following example 
doesn't compile, but would if we stripped all `rebindable' and 
all `Rebindable!':

     import std.typecons;
     class Base {
         Rebindable!(const(Base)) create()
             return rebindable(new Base());
     class Derived : Base {
         override Rebindable!(const(Derived)) create()
             return rebindable(new Derived());

Speculation: There may be problems once we try to wrap class 
references in two different structs. We might want Optional or 
NonNull, and then another wrapper (e.g., Rebindable) for some 
other benefit. When these wrappers are written with 
if-constraints to take only raw D class references, we may pick 
only one wrapper. But I haven't investigated this yet.

-- Simon

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