D beyond the specs

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 18 07:06:37 UTC 2018

On 03/17/2018 02:31 AM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

 > I don't know about compilers specifically, but the big distributors in
 > Europe charged some hefty margins on their imports. So pricing in US was
 > often much lower than here...

It may not be distributor greed: I was one of the founders of a 
WordPerfect distributor in Turkey in around 1991. When retail price was 
around $500, we were paying around $400 to WordPerfect when US consumers 
were getting it for something like $120 at retail shops. (I cannot be 
sure about the amounts after all those years.)

I don't know whether it was the US government rules or WordPerfect rules 
but they simply could not sell us anywhere near what US consumers were 
paying. $500 in Turkey is still an impossibly high price.

We survived for a while selling to large companies.


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