Wait-free MPSC and MPMC implement in D

Shachar Shemesh shachar at weka.io
Wed May 9 04:13:08 UTC 2018

On 09/05/18 03:20, Andy Smith wrote:
> During Shachar's talk on the Saturday morning following the conclusion 
> of Dconf he made it clear that the Mecca library is being used by the 
> ~200klock Weka.io codebase ... a codebase which has very stringent 
> latency *and* throughput requirements to satisfy customer needs in the 
> storage space.
> So if any D codebase has got bragging rights on the term 
> 'industry-grade' I think this has to be one of them.

Let me start off by saying that it is great that people appreciate and 
enjoy Mecca. With that said, I would be wary of the direction this 
thread is threatening to take.

I have a motto in life - if you assume you're great, you most likely 
aren't. I have grown out of the "my code has no bugs" phase of my life 
quite a while ago.

The fact that code is used, to good effect and for a long period of time 
does not mean that it doesn't have problems, some of them might be quite 
fundamental. "This code is highly tested" is not a good answer to "I 
think I found a problem".

As such, I would kindly ask everyone on this list to not take offense at 
criticism aimed at me or at my code. I find comments such as David's 
highly constructive, and the last thing I'd want is for him, or anyone 
else, to be wary of voicing them.

I have not had the chance to parse David's critique to decide whether I 
agree with it or not. Regardless of my final conclusion, I think we 
should do everything we can to avoid suggesting it is illegitimate of 
him to make it.

> So if they've 
> copy/pasted a few comments ... meh ... I for one happy to let it slide. 
> These guys have got bigger fish to fry :-)

Perfection is a road you take, not a place you reach. All large 
repositories of code tend to have areas that are less visited. Mecca is 
no exception. I, for one, welcome being informed of where my code can be 

During the documentation phase, I made every effort to really understand 
the limitations of the code. Any code I was not sure about, I left out 
of the documentation (and there is a *lot* of undocumented areas in 
Mecca, some of which I suspect should not stay there).

So, my plea is this. If you find an area worth improving in Mecca, 
please don't hesitate to post. If you find you do hesitate, please 
please feel free to send me a private message.

I *want* to know of the problems.

Thank you,

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