Sealed classes - would you want them in D?

rikki cattermole rikki at
Thu May 10 13:47:16 UTC 2018

On 11/05/2018 1:22 AM, Piotr Mitana wrote:
> Hello,
> I've recently thought of sealed classes (sealed as in Scala, not as in 
> C#) and am thinking of writing a DIP for it. I decided to start this 
> thread first though to gather some opinions on the topic.
> For those who never coded Scala and don't know sealed classes: a sealed 
> class is a class which can be only extended in the same source file.
>      sealed class MyClass {}
> Translating to D, a sealed class would could only be extended in the 
> same module. Additionally I would suggest "sealed(some.package) MyClass 
> {}" syntax for classes that could only be extended in the particular 
> package.
> In Scala an important value of sealed classes is that compiler knows 
> that and can aid programmer in pattern matching by detecting the missed 
> cases. However, there is another value I see: limiting the extension of 
> classes.
> Some time ago I was working on a simple CQRS library and created an 
> Entity class, where I wanted only a few specific subtypes for it. The 
> library is built over a few defined entity types and user is not able to 
> create their own types (should extend the particular subtype instead). 
> Sealing the Entity class could enable me to define the closed set of 
> subtypes and prevent new direct subtype creation outside the library.
> Combining sealed with final library developer can create a completely 
> closed type hierarchy.
> Any thoughts on that proposal?

Adding a keyword like sealed isn't desirable.

I'm trying to find fault of the concept, but it definitely is tough.

You basically want protected, but only for specific packages, otherwise 

protected(foo, final)

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