Is D releasing too often?

bachmeier no at
Mon May 14 13:55:00 UTC 2018

On Monday, 14 May 2018 at 07:20:48 UTC, Joakim wrote:

> I thought I'd open it up to the community: now that you've 
> experienced this faster pace, as a user of the D compilers, how 
> do you like it? Would you prefer a slower release schedule, say 
> 3-4 major releases a year?

I would prefer to have an LTS release at most twice a year.

The first reason is that we get bugs like the installer not 
working properly. I reported this bug
This is the sort of bug that enters when you release too 
frequently, and it's the sort of bug that causes potential users 
to give up and conclude the project has a quality problem.

The second reason is that the maintainers of libraries have to 
keep up with every release.

Reporting bugs is less likely if you need to install the latest 
release to confirm that it's still a bug. It's hard to keep up 
with language changes if you're a more casual D user like me.

Having LTS releases and making it easy for those wanting the 
latest and greatest to build the development versions would be my 

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