CI buildbots

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Mon May 21 13:17:48 UTC 2018

On 5/21/18 3:21 AM, Manu wrote:
> On 20 May 2018 at 21:46, Manu <turkeyman at> wrote:
>> This CI situation with the DMD/druntime repos is not okay.
>> It takes ages... **hours** sometimes, for CI to complete.
>> It's all this 'auto-tester' one, which seems to lock up on the last few tests.
>> This makes DMD is a rather unenjoyable project to contribute to.
>> I had a sudden burst of inspiration, but it's very rapidly wearing off.
> A few of those machines can build AND run the tests in 5-6 mintues. A
> lot under 10 minutes...
> Then there's a few that take 45+ minutes. Why are they in the pool? Is
> it really worth having 20 machines build the thing, especially when a
> few of them blow the turn-around time to into hours rather than
> minutes?

IMO -- yes. These are machines that are donated to dlang foundation 
essentially. The more machines that are in the fleet, the more tests can 
be run. One of these is actually a VM running on my desktop at home 
(which pretty much sits idle all day otherwise). And it's not in the 45+ 
minute category, but is definitely not in the 10 minute category either. 
There are also different configurations on some of these machines that 
it's good to test with.

That being said, I wonder if it wouldn't be good to prioritize less 
stale PRs to the fastest machines. I'm not sure exactly how the auto 
tester assigns PRs to test machines.


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