Clash When Using Function as Template Value-Parameters?

Vijay Nayar madric at
Sat May 26 11:56:30 UTC 2018

I've been experimenting with code that uses std.functional : 
binaryFun and unaryFun, but I have found that using these methods 
makes it impossible to add function attributes like @safe, @nogc, 
pure, and nothrow, because no guarantee can be made about the 
functions created via a stream.  For example, if you expect a 
comparator function like "a == b", someone can pass in "" 

That being said, I started trying out using strongly typed and 
attributed template parameters instead, relying on lambdas to 
keep the syntax for the user short. But when I tried this, I 
found that the very existence of templates with different 
parameter values causes a collision during compilation.

The following code snippet demonstrates the error:

import std.stdio;

final class BTree(
     ValueT, KeyT = ValueT,
	const(KeyT) function(ValueT) @safe @nogc nothrow pure KeyF = (a) 
=> a) {
	KeyT getKey(ValueT val) {
		return KeyF(val);

void main()
     auto btree1 = new BTree!(char);  // Removing this line 
eliminates the error.
     auto btree2 = new BTree!(int);

The error is:
onlineapp.d(8): Error: function literal `__lambda6(char a)` is 
not callable using argument types `(int)`
onlineapp.d(8):        cannot pass argument `val` of type `int` 
to parameter `char a`
onlineapp.d(15): Error: template instance `onlineapp.BTree!(int, 
int, function (char a) => a)` error instantiating

Is this an error in the compiler or in my own understanding of 
the D language?

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