It is the year 2020: why should I use / learn D?

Nicholas Wilson iamthewilsonator at
Thu Nov 22 11:26:03 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 22 November 2018 at 10:08:06 UTC, Chris wrote:
> The thing is that - as you mentioned yourself - there's loads 
> of stuff out there already: Dpp, DStep, Joakims ARM stuff, 
> Polyglot.h etc. Is it so unreasonable to expect the D 
> Foundation to focus on collecting all the brilliant work that's 
> been done by volunteers so far (fair play to them!) and package 
> it as a nice product that can be extended as needed? That'd be 
> a killer package and a good selling point for D. It's only 
> common sense.
> The D Foundation initially gave me hope that something like 
> that would happen, and then you could get medium to big players 
> on board (what's a million dollars to IBM or the like?) 
> However, it got worse than before. While the development of D 
> used to be a bit chaotic it has now become an autocratic chaos. 
> The focus has shifted from improving D as a language (including 
> tooling, packaging etc) to obsessing over the pet feature of 
> the day. It's more of a hobby project now than ever before. And 
> mind you, the D Foundation is young, but D is 18+ years old.

The lack of vision is problematic indeed, and I am doing 
something about it. The foundation is due to meet with industry 
users in a few weeks to resolve issues and set a clear direction, 
which will cover many of those points (hopefully a better 
replacement for those vision documents that are long overdue). 
Watch this space...

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