Thread-safe attribution

Boris-Barboris ismailsiege at
Sun Oct 7 16:55:41 UTC 2018

On Sunday, 7 October 2018 at 02:01:17 UTC, Manu wrote:
> ... but I'm really struggling
> to express it in terms of the type system...

I'm pretty sure no simple attribute system is any more useful 
than current const\shared idiom. I am yet to see a language with 
semantics that actually help with concurrency issues 
(serializability, lock domains, lock ordering, deadlock 
prevention\detection, consistency, write scew and hundreds of 
other problems already known in the domain) on mutable state. SQL 
didn't solve it, I still always have to grab pen and paper and 
brute-force simulate concurrent access to my data in order to 
have any degree of prior knowledge about safety, and 
unfortunately this problem does not look like an easy one to 
crack for language designers.

This is why I mainly ignore shared as a feature completely unless 
I'm forced to. A simple indication (type system attribute) of the 
fact that data is shared is useless for my recent projects just 
adds unneeded casts and lines of code without solving any 

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