D Logic bug

Jonathan Marler johnnymarler at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 19:09:14 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 11 October 2018 at 14:35:34 UTC, James Japherson 
> Took me about an hour to track this one down!
> A + (B == 0) ? 0 : C;
> D is evaluating it as
> (A + (B == 0)) ? 0 : C;
> The whole point of the parenthesis was to associate.
> I usually explicitly associate precisely because of this!
> A + ((B == 0) ? 0 : C);
> In the ternary operator it should treat parenthesis directly to 
> the left as the argument.
> Of course, I doubt this will get fixed but it should be noted 
> so other don't step in the same poo.

In c++ the ternary operator is the second most lowest precedence 
operator, just above the comma.  You can see a table of each 
operator and their precendence here, I refer to it every so 

Learning that the ternary operator has such a low precedence is 
one of those things that all programmers eventually run 
into...welcome to the club :)

It looks like D has a similar table here 
(https://wiki.dlang.org/Operator_precedence).  However, it 
doesn't appear to have the ternary operator in there. On that 
note, D would take it's precedence order from C/C++ unless 
there's a VERY good reason to change it.

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